Volume 24, Issue 2 (8-2010)                   Med J Islam Repub Iran 2010 | Back to browse issues page

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Iran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Hemmat expressway,Tehran, Iran , entezami 189@ yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6298 Views)



contributes substantially to patient morbidity and mortality.In this study we investigated

the range and distribution of T-lymphocyte. Subsets CD3

helper/inducer cell,.th ), CD8

: Severe immunosuppression occurs after large thermal burn and probably+ (T cells) CD4+ (T+ (T suppressor /Cytotoxic cells ,TS/C), CD3+


thermal injury.

+/CD3+CD8+ ratio, CD19+ (B cells) and CD16+ (NK cells ) in patiens following


studied.The total body surface area of the burn injury, ranged from 30 to >70%. Whole

blood samples were collected at three and seven days postburn. Partec flowcytometry

system and triple color flowcytometry reagents (Dako Co), were used to evaluate peripheral

blood lymphocytes population of patients admitted at the Motahary Burn Center

in Tehran.

: Forty male, aging 18-60 years with major thermal injury were


reduction in relative number of CD3


range in seven days following injury. CD19

burn patients at both three and seven days. The number of CD16

declined in three days and moderately increased on day seven, following injury.

Thus, the data showed that thermal burn injury suppressed T-lymphocyte subsets proliferation

in various days .In addition, all compartments of showed phenotypic changes

in the 3th and seventh days after burn, in different groups of age. Thermal burn injury

suppressed T cell subsets proliferation on day 3 and 7 postburn, when compared to normal

controls. (P <0.05) at 3 and 7 days post burn.

: Compare to healthy controls, patients with burns have shown a significant+, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells at three and seven adys+/CD8+ ratio were below normal range in three days and remained in normal+ B cell populations were elevated in+ NK cells were significantly


factor in immunosuppression and development of sepsis in thermal burn patients.

: Significant changes in lymphocytes population could be an important
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Immunology

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