Reviewers guideline Reviewers guideline

 | Post date: 2024/04/19 | 
Reviewers’ Considerations
As a reviewer for MJIRI, it is essential to follow ethical and formatting guidelines while reviewing articles. Here is a guideline for reviewers, considering both the Vancouver style and APA 6th edition.

Ethical Considerations
Confidentiality: Treat submitted manuscripts as confidential documents. Do not share or discuss the content with others.
Conflict of Interest: Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that may affect your impartiality during the review process.
Timeliness: Review manuscripts promptly and provide constructive feedback within the stipulated time frame.
Objectivity: Evaluate manuscripts objectively, focusing on scientific merit rather than personal biases.
Review Process:
Initial Assessment: Evaluate the manuscript’s relevance, originality, and adherence to the journal’s scope.

Content Evaluation:
Title and Abstract: Assess clarity, conciseness, and alignment with the study.
Introduction: Evaluate the background, research question, and objectives.
Methods: Check for appropriate study design, sample size, data collection, and statistical methods.
Results: Verify data presentation, statistical analysis, and clarity.
Discussion: Assess interpretation of results, implications, and limitations.
Conclusion: Evaluate the overall significance of the study.
References: Ensure proper citation of relevant literature using the Vancouver style.
Figures and Tables: Verify accuracy, clarity, and appropriate labeling.
Ethical Compliance: Confirm adherence to ethical guidelines (e.g., informed consent, animal welfare).
Author Responses: Consider author responses to previous reviewer comments.

Vancouver Style and APA 6th Edition Formatting:
The MJIRI uses the Vancouver Style and APA 6th edition for all articles. Respectful reviewers should speculate the manuscripts for possible divergence from the said guidelines. A comprehensive MJIRI guideline can be found in "For Authors" Tab.
The MJIRI adheres to the Vancouver Style and APA 6th edition for all articles. Reviewers are kindly requested to carefully examine the manuscripts for any potential deviations from these guidelines. A comprehensive MJIRI guideline is available in the ‘For Authors’ section.