From the Department of Pediatrics and Pharmacology, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, I.R. Iran.
Abstract: (4701 Views)
Taranjebin is a plant resin obtained from camel's thorn, a shrub abundant in
desert areas of Iran. It contains saccharose and has been traditionally used by
grandmothers to treat neonatal jaundice. This study was conducted to test the
effectiveness of taranjebin in reducing bilirubin in physiologic ranges when used
prophylactically in normal full-term newborns. ,95 term healthy newborns were
given 10,20, or 30% taranjebin starting at4 hours of age for 3 days, while ')0 infants
were given placebo. Mean serum bilirubin levels were determined on day S for
both study groups, as were daily transcutaneous bilirubin indices. In the 30%
taranjebin group, 5 of 29 treated infants developed jaundice (bilirubin I Ii mg per
dl) compared to none in the control group (p< 0.05).
Taranjebin was thus not found to be effective in preventing hyperbilirubinemia
in normal healthy term newborns.
Type of Study:
Original Research |