Volume 33, Issue 1 (2-2019)                   Med J Islam Repub Iran 2019 | Back to browse issues page

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Yousif M K, Ali Al-Muhyi A H. Impact of weather conditions on childhood admission for wheezy chest and bronchial asthma. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2019; 33 (1) :541-545
URL: http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir/article-1-5113-en.html
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of Basrah, Iraq , miamiyousif@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2819 Views)
Background: Climate change represents a possible threat to patients with bronchial asthma. The purpose of this study was to investigate any association between specific meteorological conditions and the rate of hospital admission for bronchial asthma and wheezy chest.
   Methods: A retrospective study was conducted to observe the effects of changes in some meteorological variables on children aged 1-13 years with bronchial asthma and wheezy chest. Data were obtained from hospital registries for the study period involving all patients admitted with the diagnosis of wheezy chest and bronchial asthma. The meteorological data were obtained from the Iraqi World Meteorological Organization and Seismology and consisted of the mean monthly values of humidity, rain, temperature, dust, wind, and thunderstorms. The correlation between the mean monthly admission for bronchial asthma and changes in weather variables were investigated.
   Results: There were 1043 admissions for asthma or wheezy chest (7.76%). Out of all asthma cases, 75% (n=783) were 1-5 years, while 25% (n=260) were 6-13 years. Male patients predominate 67.8%, with a male to female ratio of 2:1. Hospital admissions for asthma and wheezy chest showed a seasonal variation especially for younger children. Higher monthly admission rates were associated with high relative humidity, rain, increase in wind speed, and lower temperature, whereas rising dust and thunderstorms did not show notable effects on children's admission for asthma.
   Conclusion: The findings suggested that changes in weather conditions, especially high relative humidity and cold weather, may trigger asthma attacks especially in younger children, and thus protective measures are recommended for at risk children.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Pediatric

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