From the Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract: (4363 Views)
The purpose of this study has been to evaluate various factors influencing
prognosis in children with hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). Forty children with
classical picture of HUS were seen in 1986-1 991. Boys and girls were equally
affected, aged from two months to ten years. In 35 patients (87.5%) there was a
history of diarrhea which was bloody in25. All were treated with peritoneal dialysis
within the first 24 hours. Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) was transfused in the first two
days for all except II patients for whom it was transfused in the third to fifth day of
admission. Fifteen patients died (37.5%) of these, 12 (80%) had diarrhea for longer
than 7 days, II (73%) had prominent neutrophilia, and 9 (60%) had significant
neurological symptoms. Eleven of the fifteen patients had been transfused with FFP
after the third clay of hospitalization. Statistical analysis of data relating to mortality
revealed the following regarding prognostic factors in HUS among children:
mortality is higher in those with longer prodromal period (p<0.001), in those with
bloody diarrhea (p<0.025), in patients with prominent neutrophilia (p<0.001), and
in those who had delayed treatment with FFP (p<0.001). Prognosis was not affected
by age, sex, or season of presentation.