From the Department of Pharamacology, Faculty of Medicine, Gilan Universily of Medical Sciences, Rasht
Abstract: (4762 Views)
Toxic effects of trace elements upon the hypothalamic- pituitarytesticular
axis and sex hormones have been reported in recent years. It is
generally considered that CdCl2 poisoning causes histopathological changes
in the testicles of male rats. Little attention had been drawn to the possible
toxic effects of CdCl2 on the ovary and female sex hormones.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the subacute
poisoning effects of CdCl2 (10 mg/kg I.P. for 15 days) on the female
gonadotropins and sex hormones such as FSH, LH, progestrone, estradiol
and prolactin.
Female wi star rats 12 weeks of age (approximately 300g) were divided
into two groups (10 in each group), one group received CdCl2 and the other
received saline as a control. Serum hormones were measured by radioimmunoassay.
In contrast to male animals, CdCl2 injection did not affect serum FSH
and LH concentration in female rats, whereas serum prolactin concentration
was significantly elevated compared with that of control animals (p<0.05)
after CdCl2 injection. This effect is not similar to the effect of CdCl2 on the
prolactin of male rats which was reported by Chandler and coworkers. No
marked differences were observed between the control and experimental
values of serum estradiol and progestrone concentrations.