Raznahan M, Emamian M H, Alipour F, Hashemi H, Zeraati H, Fotouhi A. Horizontal inequity in the utilization of cataract surgery in Iran: Shahroud Eye Cohort Study, 2009-2014. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2019; 33 (1) :693-701
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , afotouhi@tums.ac.ir
Abstract: (2913 Views)
Background: Since there was no evidence about economic inequity in utilization of cataract surgery in developing countries, such as Iran, this study was designed to measure horizontal inequity in the utilization of cataract surgery and its changes in an Iranian middle-aged population in 2009 and 2014.
Methods: Using data from the first and second phases of Shahroud Eye Cohort Study (2009-2014), the economic inequity in the utilization of cataract surgery in an Iranian middle-aged population aged 40-64 years in 2009 and 2014 was evaluated. The horizontal inequity index (HI) was determined using the indirect standardization method based on a nonlinear (probit) model and the concentration index (C) was decomposed into the contribution of each factor. The analyses were performed using STATA software version 12/SE, and significance level was set at less than 0.05.
Results: The HI in the utilization of cataract surgery increased from 0.080 (95% CI: 0.011-0.098) in 2009 to 0.166 (95% CI: 0.0821-0.228) in 2014. Decomposition of changes in the concentration index showed that among need and non-need variables, older age and economic status (being among the wealthiest 20%) were the greatest contributors, with shares of 67.5% and 57.5%%, respectively, which led to pro-rich inequity during the study periods.
Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that utilization of cataract surgery did not have an equal distribution among economic quintiles, despite considering equal needs based on cataract severity. Results demonstrated that older age and economic status were the greatest contributors to HI increase in 2009 and 2014.