From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, l.R. Iran
Abstract: (5340 Views)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether sectioning the cervical
septum is associated with intraoperative bleeding, incompetent cervix, and secondary
infertility. In this prospective observational study, fourteen women with
complete septate uterus who had a history of repeated pregnancy loss and infertility
were treated hysteroscopically. Preoperative history included 35 pregnancies
of which abortion rate was 62.8% and premature delivery 37.2%. Three infants
(8.5%) survived. The cerivcal portion of the septum was incised with Metzenbaum
scissors and the corporeal portion with micro scissors under hysteroscopic guidance.
Eleven patients achieved pregnancy (78.5%). There were ten term pregnancies
(91 %). Mean±SD of operating time was 31.1±9.74 minutes with a mean±SD
distending media deficit of 472±186 mL. No significant bleeding was encountered.
At follow up hysterosalpingography, all cervices were competent. In conclusion,
section of the cervical septum with scissors is simple, rapid and safe,
facilitates corporeal hysteroscopic metroplasty, and may be considered a valid
procedure to correct a complete septate uterus.