Volume 38, Issue 1 (1-2024)                   Med J Islam Repub Iran 2024 | Back to browse issues page

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Faryabi A, Aazami H, Norouzi F, Fattahi M R, Dehghanbanadaki H. A Bibliometric Analysis of Testosterone Replacement Therapy Studies: Mapping the Scientific Landscape. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2024; 38 (1) :950-959
URL: http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir/article-1-9333-en.html
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , dehghan.hojat@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (470 Views)
Background: Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is pivotal in addressing male hypogonadism, yet uncertainties persist regarding its optimal use and long-term ramifications. This study aims to explore the knowledge map of TRT.
   Methods: In this bibliometric study, we searched Scopus for relevant keywords from the beginning to 2023. Our inclusion criteria were original articles and reviews and our exclusion criteria were non-English and non-related articles and document types other than original articles and reviews. Excel, VOS viewer, and Science of Science (Sci2) software were used for data synthesis.
   Results: From 6712 retrieved articles, 5325 articles were included for analysis. The most productivity belonged to the USA (n=2,570 documents), the United Kingdom (n=476), and Italy (n=339). “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism” (n=168) had the highest participation in publishing. Also, "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism" and the "Journal of Sexual Medicine" exhibited significant bibliographic coupling with other journals in the TRT field. The research topics of interest were mainly related to hypogonadism, prostate cancer, and erectile dysfunction. Bursting analysis of the title and abstract revealed the TRT research prior to the year 2000 was mainly focused on castration, gonadectomy, growth, and aplastic anemia, while the focus of recent research moved towards libido, cardiovascular events, HIV, geriatric issues, diabetes, bipolar disorder, cancer, transmasculine, and transgender individuals.
   Conclusion: This study highlights the growing trend of TRT research over time, with most focus on hypogonadism, prostate cancer, and erectile dysfunction. Insights gleaned from this analysis inform research priorities and resource allocation, facilitating enhanced patient care in androgen deficiency management.
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