From the Nemazee and Beheshti Hospitals, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, IslamicRepublic of Iran.
Abstract: (4018 Views)
The remarkable evolution of surgical management of cerebral hydatidosis
towards an earlier diagnosis and proper treatment is evident from this 22-year
retrospective study of our experience with 19 cases seen at Shiraz University
Medical Institutions. Both cases of iatrogenically-induced infected cysts were
seen during the pre-CT era. The optimistic view of being able to remove all the
cysts intact seems to be elusive because six cysts ruptured during extraction even
with application of the Dowling technique. These cases were followed for a mean
of 44 months and in only one case was the patient referred again with subarachnoid
cysts of the lumbosacral region after two years. In six cases we had involvement
of other organs also. There were two cases of multiple cysts in the brain, a case with
de novo infection of the cyst contents, and one in which the cyst was epidural in
the parieto-occipital region. One patient died pre-operatively and three were lost
to follow-up however, fifteen patients were followed for a mean of27 months with
eleven being neurologically intact and four with focal neurological deficits. One
patient with a tapped cyst before extraction was readmitted two years later with
paraplegia due to drop parasitic infestation of the thoracolumbar region.