From the Dept. of Paediaric Surgery, Bristol Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Bristol, England.
Abstract: (5299 Views)
From October 1977 to December 1988, 108 neonates born with esophageal
atresia (EA) and/or a tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF) were treated at
the Bristol Royal Hospital for Sick Children.
An incidence of I :4000-4500 live births was noted. 1I2.4% had the common-
type anomaly, 5.5% had pure esophageal atresia, and 6.5% had an H-type
anomaly. 2.8% had upper and lower fistulae and 2.8% had upper fistulae.
Forty-nine patients (45.3%) had associated anomalies of which the cardiovascular
system (16.6%) was the most commom. With consideration of
the urogenital system as a unique system, urogenital anomalies were the
most common associated anomalies (20.3%). Thirty (27.7%) of lOll neonates
had V ACTERL associated anomalies, which were more frequent in the common-
type anomaly. Seven of 9 deaths in the VACTERL associated group
were because of associated anomalies and cardiac anomalies were a common
cause of late death in this study. In full-term and well babies with common-type
anomalies, transanastomotic tubes significantly decreased hospital stay.
Every effort was made to maintain the neonate's own esophagus, and in
pure esophageal atresia 5 of 6 neonates were successfully treated by spontaneous
growth and anastomosis and only I neonate underwent gastric- tube
formation as an esophageal replacement. Anastomosis was done in one layer
by 5/0 silk , and 17.14% developed leak, 29.62% strictures, 1.90% recurrent
fistula, and the rate of anastomotic complications was markedly higher in
delayed and staged operations. Fifty-three neonates (50.47%) had respiratory
complications which were the most common complication. Thirty-three
(31.4%) had gastroesophageal reflux (GER), all but one of which were
treated medically. The routine policy now is that all babies are put on
Gaviscon until the child can adopt an upright position.
Low birth weight and pneumonia are not contraindications for surgery,
and with the improvement of surgical technique and postoperative care, do
not affect survival. There was 12.03% mortality and the main cause of death
was associated anomalies.
Type of Study:
Original Research |