From the Biochemistry Department, School of Medicine, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Kermanshah, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract: (4419 Views)
In the fall of 1991, the incidence of goiter was determined in I07X male and
female school children in Kermanshah city. The study was considered from two view
points i.e., clinical examinations and measurements of levels of iodine excreted in
urine, and was performed in three age groups: 7-11 years of age, 12-15 years of age
and 16-18 years of age.
Clinical examination showed 16.5% occurrence of goiter in boys and 21.2'70
occurrence iIi girls of all age groups. The most common type of goiter in boys was
la with occurrence of about 14.2% whereas la and Ib were the most common in girls
with occurrence of 14.9% and 3.0%, respectively.
The results obtained from laboratory studies showed that the levels of iodine in
urine of healthy boys was about XlJ.17 ± 4.7 micrograms iodine per gram of
creatinine, and in healthy girls 97.9 ± 3.5 micrograms iodine per gram creatinine,
which indicates a significant difference in the levels of excreted iodine between the
two sexes. The levels of iodine in urine was decreased considerably in children with
goiter, lip to 47% in boys and 5R% in girls.
The results obtained from this survey indicate that Kermanshah province fits in
the moderate-deficiency region of the Hetzel classification for having a maximum
of 35% occurrence of goiter. Furthermore, 25 to 50 µg iodine consumption per gram
creatinine becomes one of the urgent priorities of the national campaign against
iodine deficiency disorders.