From the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics. Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IsIamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract: (4340 Views)
Screening of3000 soil samples collected from cities of four different provinces of
Iran for starch-hydrolysing bacteria revealed that the nature is enriched with
Streptomyces species capable of producing amylolytic enzymes. Among the bacterial
isolates, one of the high starch-degrading strains was selected for further microbiological
identification and also amylolytic enzyme(s) characterization. The purified
isolate, Streptomyces species strain R Y 48, produces almost four times more amylolytic
enzyme(s) than Bacilllls slIbtilis (PTCC 1254) on agar plates. Based on the action
pattern of its amylolytic enzymes on the boiled maize starch, the purified species
possesses in the logphase an amylolytic activity which is different from the amylolytic
activity of the stationary phase. The secreted amylolytic enzymes which are both
endolytic type and show different activity bands on native polyacrylamide gel, act
independently on starch molecules.