Volume 30, Issue 1 (1-2016)                   Med J Islam Repub Iran 2016 | Back to browse issues page

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Rahimzadeh P, Imani F, Sayarifard A, Sayarifard S, Faiz S H R. Ultrasound-guided fascia iliaca compartment block in orthopedic fractures: Bupivacaine 0.2% or 0.3%?. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2016; 30 (1) :966-972
URL: http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir/article-1-4034-en.html
Endometriosis and gynecologic disorders Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. , hrfaiz@hotmail.com
Abstract:   (4437 Views)

Background: Postoperative pain is one of the major problems in patients with femoral or hip fracture. Current study investigates the effect of 0.2% and 0.3% bupivacaine in ultrasound-guided fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) on postoperative pain.

  Methods: This randomized clinical trial study was conducted in Rasoul Akram Hospital of Iran University of Medical Sciences. Forty-eight patients with femoral or hip fractures who were candidates for surgery underwent FICB, divided into two groups receiving bupivacaine in 0.2% and 0.3% concentrations. Pain was evaluated with Visual Analog Scale (VAS) at times 2, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours after surgery. Need for opioids, nausea and vomiting after surgery, patients’ satisfaction with pain control and motor block were also recorded. T-test or Mann-Whitney U test and Repeated measure ANOVA was used for analysis.

  Results: Pain score after surgery was significantly lower in groups receiving 0.3% than the group receiving 0.2% concentration. Patients’ satisfaction with pain control in 0.2% group was significantly higher (p=0.04). Time to analgesic onset in both groups had no significant differences (p=0.5). The incidence of nausea and vomiting (p=0.5) and opioid consumption (p=0.1) between the two groups showed no significant difference.

  Conclusion: In femoral or hip fracture, bupivacaine with 0.3% concentration in fascia iliaca compartment block can cause lower pain score compared to bupivacaine with 0.2% concentration, but patients’ satisfaction with pain control and severity of motor block is higher in bupivacaine 0.2%.

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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Anesthesia

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