Volume 31, Issue 1 (1-2017)                   Med J Islam Repub Iran 2017 | Back to browse issues page

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Fazl Hashemi S M E, Sarabi Asiabar A, Rezapour A, Azami-Aghdash S, Hosseini Amnab H, Mirabedini S A. Patient waiting time in hospital emergency departments of Iran: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2017; 31 (1) :457-464
URL: http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir/article-1-4356-en.html
Iran University of Medical Sciences , mirabedini110@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (6161 Views)

Background: Waiting time in emergency department is a key indicator in measuring the quality of hospital services and has a significant impact on patient satisfaction The purpose of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of the patients' waiting time in hospital emergency departments in Iran.
   Methods: Data were collected from databases of Web of Science, Embase, PubMed, Scopus, Google scholar, SID, and Iran Medex using the following key words: “emergency ward”,  “emergency room”, “waiting time”, ” time delay”, “first visit”, “first treatment” ,  “emergency department”, “Iran”,  and their Persian equivalents. The timeframe of 2000 to 2016 was selected to search the articles. CMA 2 (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis) software was used in this meta-analysis.
   Results: A total of 236 articles were extracted from databases and other sources, and finally 17 articles were included in the analysis. In total, waiting time in different parts of the emergency department was measured for 15 943 patients. Mean±SD waiting time was 5.9 ± 0.6 minutes from the arrival to the first visit by a physician, it was 45 ± 5 minutes between the first visit and the first therapeutic steps, 94± 33.9 minutes between referring to the laboratory and receiving the result, 23.2 ± 3 minutes between referring to the radiology and receiving the result, and 32.2 ± 7 minutes between referring to ECG and receiving the result; moreover, waiting time for the first specialist consultation was 99.3 ± 32.8 minutes.
   Conclusion: The results demonstrated that waiting time in the emergency rooms of Iranian hospitals was higher than the national and international standards. According to the high rate of heterogeneity in the results and probability of publication bias, we highly recommend that readers use the results of this study and pay sufficient attention to this issue. 

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