Volume 26, Issue 2 (5-2012)                   Med J Islam Repub Iran 2012 | Back to browse issues page

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Yazdanparast S A, Mahdavi Nezarati S S, Heshmati F, Hamzehlou S. Comparison of cell wall proteins in putative Candida albicans & Candida dubliniensis by using modified staining method & SDSPAGE. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2012; 26 (2) :45-49
URL: http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir/article-1-496-en.html
Department of Medical Mycology, School of Allied Health Sciences,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Hemmat Expressway, Shahid Chamran Crossway, Tehran, Iran. , syazdanparast@tums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5595 Views)

 Background: Candida species are among the most common causes of opportunistic fungal diseases. Among Candida species, Candida albicans is responsible for most infections. Having many strains, C. albicans is very polymorph. C. dubliniensis is very similar to albicans species both morphologically and physiologically. For an infection to occur, cell wall proteins play an important role as they enable yeast to adhere to host cells and begin pathogenesis. Therefore, we decided to extract these proteins and examine them through common molecular methods of protein analysis including SDS-PAGE.

 Methods: Initially cell wall proteins of two C. albicans strains (CBS 562 and PTCC6027) and one C. dubliniensis strain (CBS7987) were extracted by using a solution of beta-mercaptoethanol and ammonium carbonate. After dialysis against Tris-HCL buffer, SDS gel electrophoresis was performed on the proteins extract. Bands were then visualized by using three different staining methods among which one method provided improved detection.

 Results: By using Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining method, proteins with molecular weight of 42, 66.2 and 200 kDa were detected. By using Silver staining method, proteins with molecular weight of 21.5, 28.5 and 37 kDa were detected. However, using combined Coomassie Brilliant Blue & Sliver staining method visualized more bands resulting in improved detection.

 Conclusion: To answer many existing questions about fungal diseases, fungi cell wall proteins are necessary to be examined. To commence such examinations, a simple step may be an SDS-PAGE performance on as many strains as possible. A combined staining method can enhance bands detection.

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