Motasaddi Zarandy M, Kiani Asiabar M, Mostaan L, Taheri A, Samadzadeh S. NEW APPLICATION FOR THE BITEMPORAL (VISOR) FLAP IN RECONSTRUCTION OF ADVANCED LOWER LIP CARCINOMA. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2006; 19 (4) :297-302
Otolaryngology Department, Amiralam Hospital, Saadi Ave.,Tehran, Iran , Motasaddi @Yahoo .com
Abstract: (5140 Views)
Background: Lip carcinoma is a common cancer with a good prognosis and
when patients refer early in the course of disease the results of treatment are acceptable.
Surgical procedures for reconstruction of lip defects are the use of remaining lip
tissue, tissue from the opposite lip, adjacent cheek tissue, distant flaps and microvascular
free flaps.
The bitemporal (visor) flap is a regional flap that is used in large advanced upper
lip lesions. This study shows that it can be used in the reconstruction of total lower lip
lesions. It is in the same operative field, the defect can be covered in the same
operation, spread of disease is detected more easily, and it can camouflage the scar. In
male patients it is very acceptable aesthetically and multiple surgical teams are not
Methods: Two patients with advanced lower lip squamous cell carcinoma were
operated and the defect reconstructed with a bitemporal (visor) flap. After the hair is
shaved, a bipedicle temporal flap including the major branch of the superficial temporal
artery was swung in two portions over the defect, and a split-thickness skin graft used
to cover the donor site.
Results: Both patients had no major problem with deglutition or speech after
sectioning the pedicles.
Conclusion: The bipedicle temporal flap can be used for reconstruction of midface
defects. There is no report of! ower lip reconstruction with the bitemporal flap. This
study shows that the bitemporal flap can be used in reconstruction of total lower lip
lesions, especially in male patients. It is in the same field, the defect can be covered in
the same operation, spread of disease is detected more easily, it can camouflage the
scar and does not require two team management.