Pediatric Department, Vali-Asr Hospital, Valises Reproductive Health Research Center, Tehran, I.R. Iran.
Abstract: (6033 Views)
Background : Meningitis is more common during the neonatal period than other
periods of life and has a prevalence of one in 1000 live births. The similarity of its
clinical manifestations with other infectious diseases makes it difficult to diagnose. The
aim of the current study was to determine the relationship between age, sex, clinical
signs and symptoms and laboratory test results of newborns in which bacterial meningitis
had been confirmed by positive CSF culture.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed by a non-randomized simple
sampling method, in which the medical files of neonates hospitalized between March
1994 and Oct. 1999 were reviewed.
Results: A total of294 files (16 boys, 127 girls 54 preterm, 240 full-term infants)
were reviewed. Fifteen newborns (8 girls, 7 boys) had positive CSF culture
results. A significant statistical relationship was not found between sex and pre-term
cases with meningitis. The most common results in newborns with positive CSF culture
were poor feeding, lethargy and hyperthermia, followed by seizures, jitteriness, hypothermia
and vomiting. Blood culture was positive in only 6 (40%) of the 15 neonates
with positive CSF cultures. Leukocytosis (3 cases, 20%), thrombocytopenia (2 cases,
13 .3%) and positive direct CSF smear (9 cases, 60%) were also present. Group B
Streptococcus (GBS), E. coli and gram-negative bacteria were the leading causes of
neonatal sepsis and meningitis. A significant difference was found in the WBC count,
CSF protein and glucose levels with bacterial meningitis. A significant relationship was
also found to exist between CSF glucose-simultaneous blood glucose ratio and neonatal
Conclusion: There was a significant difference between CSF protein and glucose,
WBC count and bacterial meningitis. A significant relationship was also found
between CSF and blood glucose ratio ( CG ) and neonatal bacterial meningitis