Ihe Departll/ent ofAnesrhesiology. Hall/adan University o/Medical Sciences, Hall/adall, Islamic
Abstract: (5354 Views)
Our purpose was to determine the effect of epidural analgesia on nulliparous
labor and delivery. Nonnal term nulliparous women in spontaneous labor were
divided into two groups in a quazi-experimental study, 100 in each group. The
first group received epidural analgesia and the second had no analgesia at all. In
the first group, an epidural catheter was placed in 3-4 cm cervical dilatation and
the first dose of lidocaine 1 % was injected in 5-cm cervical dilatation. The next
doses were injected according to certain criteria. Then data were collected and
analyzed by EPI-6.
There was no significant difference in cesarean rate in both groups (10% in the
first group vs. 5% in the second one, p>O.l0) including cesarean for dystocia and
fetal distress. Also, there was no significant difference in the variable of
spontaneous vaginal delivery between both groups (89% in the first group vs. 94%
in the second one, p>0.10). Occurrence of instrumental vaginal delivery was the
same in both groups, no forceps, and one vacuum-assisted in each group. Also
there was no significant difference in the second stage of labor between the groups
(less than 1 hour: 79% in the first group vs. 81 % in the second group, p>O.1 0 more
than 1 hour: 11 % in the first group vs. 14% in the second group, p>0.10).
Epidural analgesia results in no significant difference in the course of labor
and delivery in normal term nulliparous women and is a safe method of pain
relief in these patients.