Hojati Abed E, Shafaroudi N, Akbarfahimi M, Zareiyan A, Parand A. Effect of occupational therapy on self-determination skills of adolescents at risk of emotional and behavioral disorders: A randomized controlled trial. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2021; 35 (1) :435-442
Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , shafarodi.n@iums.ac.ir
Abstract: (2112 Views)
Background: Self-determination skills enable to support an individual’s needs and make decisions to function independently. Improvement of self-determination skills has had a positive result for adolescents at risk of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of occupational therapy interventions on the self-determination skills of adolescent girls at risk of emotional-behavioral disorders.
Methods: In this single-blind control trial study, 14-16-years-old girl students (n=54) at risk of EBD were recruited by cluster sampling from secondary high schools of Tehran, Iran. Youth self-report Questionnaire (YSR) was used to include adolescents at risk of EBD in the study and were randomized into the intervention (n=27) and control group (n=27) by block randomization. The Student Self-Determination Scale (SDSS) and the Self-determination Parent Perception Scale (SDPPS) were used to collect data. Students in the intervention group participated in 8 – once a week- sessions of occupational therapy and the control group received no training. Data were analyzed by repeated-measures analysis of variance (RMANOVA), Bonferroni test and SPSS 16.0 version. The significance level was set at 0.05.
Results: The score of self-determinations (SDSS) increased significantly in the intervention group after the intervention (p<0.001). Although the mean scores of self-determination at follow-up have increased in the intervention group compared to the post-test. No significant differences were found (p>0.05); also, the score of parents' perception of student self-determination (SDPPS) increased but there were not significantly different (p=0.064).
Conclusion: The findings indicated self-determination skills could be taught to adolescents at risk of EBD in OT sessions. Since self-determination has been identified as the necessary skills for adolescents at-risk to transition into adulthood, occupational therapists have an important role in promoting self-determination skills in adolescents at risk of EBD.