Volume 37, Issue 1 (2-2023)                   Med J Islam Repub Iran 2023 | Back to browse issues page

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Mahmoudian P, Jafari M, De Roodenbeke E, Maleki M. Dimensions of Health Care Management Professionalization: A Scoping Review. Med J Islam Repub Iran 2023; 37 (1) :991-998
URL: http://mjiri.iums.ac.ir/article-1-8903-en.html
Department of Health Service Management, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran , mejafaris@gmail.com
Abstract:   (728 Views)
Background: Within the public sector, health managers occupy positions that are typically filled by individuals with a medical, clinical, or nursing experience who are entrusted with assuming an additional role. The primary objective of this study was to employ a scoping review methodology to ascertain a cluster of prevalent subjects encompassing the development of a proficient health care manager.
   Methods: The purpose of this scoping review study was to identify critical components in the field of management professionalization, as described by Arksey and O'Malley. A total of 13 studies, characterized by predefined keywords, were meticulously culled from Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed, and Embase, Magiran, and SID databases. The inclusion and exclusion criteria considered factors such as language, temporal relevance, redundancy, thematic alignment with the professionalization domain, and congruence with the overarching objectives and methodologies of the present investigation. Subsequently, the contents of the selected studies were subjected to rigorous thematic analysis and judicious categorization using a framework analysis approach.
   Results: From a total of 10,117 articles, a rigorous selection process yielded 13 articles to be included in this study. The identified dimensions are classified and elucidated across 6 overarching domains; namely, the science of management, educational trajectory, and curriculum, cultural infrastructure and ideologies, standards, professional institutions and associations, and licenses and certifications.
   Conclusion: To enhance the efficacy of health management, policymakers and planners ought to adeptly incorporate these dimensions within the framework of the country's health system.
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