From Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Dr. Shariati Ave, Zahedan, 98134, I.R . Iran.
Abstract: (4264 Views)
In order to identify the effects of vitamin B 12 and folic acid in reducing methanolinduced
retinopathy, ERG waves were compared before and after methanol
intoxication in rabbits. In this study 34 rabbits were divided into 4 groups. All groups
received 4 g/kg of methanol intraperitoneally. In addition, the second, third and
fourth groups received vitamin B 12 injection, oral folic acid and a mixture of vitamin
B12 and folic acid, respectively.
Baseline ERGs were recorded for all rabbits prior to intoxication and then
second ERGs were taken 48-72 hours following methanol toxicity. Compared to
baseline ERGs a severe reduction in the b-wave amplitude as well as reduction in
the oscillatory potential were noticed. Among all groups, the first group had the most
and the fourth group had the least decrease in b-wave amplitude as well as oscillatory
potential. It is therefore believed that vitamin B12 has a synergistic effect with folic
acid in attenuating ophthalmic toxicity of methanol in rabbits. Further studies are
needed to evaluate these effects in humans.