From the Biopharmacy Division, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IR.Iran, 14155/6451.
Abstract: (4425 Views)
A simple, rapid and sensitive HPLC method for the determination of theophylline
(T) in human serum has been developed. An isocratic system consisting of a /-l
Bondapak C18 column, mobile phase of methanol, phosphate buffer (22:78, pH=4.5),
and a flow rate of 1.4 mL/min was used. The eluent was detected by UV at 275 nm
at room temperature. 8-Chlorotheophylline (8-CT) was used as an internal standard.
The serum samples deproteinated by methanol containing 8-CT and the supernatant
was injected into the HPLC system. The retention times of 5.7 and 8.1 min were
found for T and 8-CT, respectively. The linearity was checked in the range of 0.2-
30 µg/mL. Relative standard deviation for both inter-day and intra-day precision
analysis was less than 5%. No interference was observed from endogenous serum
components. Specificity was shown against some commonly co-administered drugs.
Simple and fast sample preparation, small sample volume (250 µL), precision,
reproducibility, specificity, sensitivity and high percentage recovery (98 %) make the
method to be practically useful for T monitoring in asthmatic patients.