Carum carvi (CC) is a grassy plant which is believed to have several therapeutic
effects, including anti-asthmatic properties. We have therefore studied the
bronchodilatory and anticholinergic effects of this plant.
The bronchodilatory effects of the aqueous extract (AE), macerated extract
(ME), essential oil (EO), and 4µM theophylline (T) in comparison with saline (S)
were examined by their relaxant effects on precontracted [by 10 µM
methacholine (M)] isolated tracheal chains of guinea pigs (n=1O). The
anticholinergic effects of AE, ME, EO, and 5 nM atropine (A) were tested by
comparing the cumulative Log concentration-response curves (LCRCs) of Minduced
contraction of tracheal chains and the effective concentration of M
causing 50% of maximum response (EC50) in the presence of AE, ME, EO, and A
with that of S.
Although the bronchodilatory effects of AE, ME, and EO were lower than that
Of T (p<0.001 for all cases), they were significantly higher than the effect of S (p<
0.05 for AE, p<0.01 for ME, and p<0.005 for EO). There were also clear nonparallel
right-ward shifts in LCRCs obtained in the presence of AE, ME, and EO,
but a parallel shift in the presence of A compared to the curve obtained in the
presence of S. The slope of LCRCs obtained in the presence of AE, ME, and EO
were significantly lower than that of S (p