From the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Abstract: (4042 Views)
In this study the effect of the alkylating agent, sulfur mustard, on calf thymus
chromatin was investigated using UV/Vis spectroscopy, gel electrophoresis and
thermal denaturation techniques. The results show that treatment of isolated
chromatin with sulfur mustard releases histones from the core particles but does
not affect histone H I and nonhistone chromosomal proteins. The content of
released proteins for the amounts lower than 50µg/mL are both dose and time
dependent. It is suggested that they have cross linked reaction to other chromosomal
proteins or to DNA. Thermal melting analysis also indicate that the
interaction of sulfur mustard with DNA increases thermal melt(Tm) of DNA
revealing condensation of DNA molecule by sulfur mustard. The results in relation
to the functional states of chromatin are discussed.