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       ISSN: 1016-1430     E- ISSN: 2251-6840 
Registration number: 8104

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The Journal is an editorially independent double-blinded peer reviewed online open access journal owned and published by Iran University of Medical Sciences and aims to be a publication of international repute for reporting current regional and international adventures in all aspects of the medicine. MJIRI welcomes contributions in the form of original research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, brief communications, and debate articles. The Journal seeks to provide its readers with the highest quality scientific information published through a process of careful peer reviews and editorial comments. All publications are in English.
*We would like to inform the esteemed authors that since August 28, 2024 (Article No. 99, Volume 38, Issue 1), MJIRI has adopted the CC BY-NC 4.0 Creative Commons license for all upcoming articles. Authors and respectful readers are encouraged to adhere to this license as applicable.



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Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic Of Iran

2024، Volume 38، Number 1

Print ISSN: 1016-1430

Online ISSN: 2251-6840

Chairman: Mohammad Farhadi

Editors-in-Chief: Hamid R Baradaran

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Journal Information

  • Current Issue: 2024، Volume 38، Number 1
  • Print ISSN: 1016-1430
  • Online ISSN: 2251-6840
  • Director-in-Charge: Mohammad Farhadi
  • Editor-in-Chief: Hamid R Baradaran
  • Publisher: Iran University of Medical Sciences

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